This story of an unusual friendship between an elephant and a dog could be an inspiration for anyone

This story of an unusual friendship between an elephant and a dog could be an inspiration for anyone

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In nature, very often there is friendship between representatives of different species. Most often, we see such friendship between cats and dogs, which usually should be at enmity, but when they live in the same house, they find a common language and even become the best companions. But sometimes it happens that friendship arises between such representatives, which is certainly not possible to predict.
This story took place in one of the reserves, where animals with a difficult life story usually live. Most of them there were elephants who spent most of their life in captivity, in circuses. Usually, wounded animals with a crippled psyche that needed long-term adaptation came to this reserve.
In general, elephants are very social animals. In their nature, they live in large groups, where they protect each other. They have a rigid hierarchy and communication system. They even make real friends, and this kind of friendship can last for years.

#dog #elephant #animalfriendship #amazingstory

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