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Hollywood is…! Masterful transformations that give films a plus and make them more real! For that reason, I’ll show you radical changes that some actors went through to play a role. Let the magic of the movies begin!


Halle Berry - Cloud Atlas
In this film, Halle Berry embodied six different characters, but her acting as a German-Jewish woman in the 30s stands out the most.

Helena Bonham Carter - Planet of the Apes
This transformation led Helena to achieve world fame and meet her future husband, Tim Burton, who was the film director.

Gwyneth Paltrow - Shallow Hal
From thin to fat, well, at least that’s what it looks like.

Glenn Close - Albert Nobbs
The actress embodied a poor woman who lives in 19th century Ireland where she has to hide from brutal male violence by living as a man.

Jim Carrey - The Grinch
It was a huge challenge for Jim to play the Grinch, a green Christmas character with a bad temper.

Rooney Mara - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Rooney had to go through a radical makeover to be this character. It looks nothing like the actress!

Christian Bale - The Machinist
This actor is known for becoming the character he’ll play, and this film was no exception. He lost 66 pounds for this movie, and everyone was shocked!

Ralph Fiennes - Harry Potter saga
The Dark Lord has a face, and that is Ralph Fiennes, an English actor who became Voldemort thanks to the power of makeup and special effects.

Gary Oldman - Hannibal
The actor is unrecognizable, not an ounce left of him. This is because he wore a thick layer of makeup to look like the famous Mason Verger of the book Hannibal.

Charlize Theron - Monster
When you’re too beautiful to play a specific role, you have no choice but to adapt yourself as much as you can to achieve a great performance.

Remember that in these difficult times it is the moment to prevent and follow the recommendations so #StayHome and have fun #WithMe

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